2nd Individual Essay:

Source: Personal Collection
Muhammad Mufarrikhin: The History Behind It
20th years ago, my father gave me name ‘Muhammad Mufarrikhin’. Some years ago I do not know why my father gave me that name. But now, I know what the message of that name is. My father wanted me to make sister and brothers of mine feel happy by caring them and bring them to the prosperous live, later. What does it mean?
My name is constructed by 2 words that are Muhammad and Mufarrikhin. Muhammad means the prophet Muhammad. As you know, in Islam Muhammad is a well-known person as the most influential people in its story. He took us from the darkness world into brightness era. He is like perfect person in his period and maybe until nowadays. From that brief explanation, I conclude why my father gave me that name since my father wanted me ‘act’ like the prophet in his daily. Meanwhile, Mufarrikhin was taken from Arabic language ‘Farikha’ which is mean happy. So, if you ask me what the meaning of Mufarrikhin is, I will answer ‘the people who gives happiness for others’.
The name of ourselves always has correlation with our behavior or something that describe us, at least thats my opinion. For instance, there is a girl whose name is ‘Juni Harum’. At a glance we can assume if the person who has that name is a girl, born in June, and the parents want her to have good behaviour (Harum). Return to my name, Muhammad Mufarrikhin.  I think this name is appropriate for me, since I feel that I often want to gratify people around me. Even, sometime I forget myself just to give a happiness or satisfied feeling for others. Although it seems burdensome title, I am proud to be Muhammad Mufarrikhin.
I ever thought to change my name, that was three years ago. Honestly, that was the lowest period of my life. Unfortunately, I cannot share it because of some considerations. What I can share to you is I thought my name was too heavy for me (Javanese people term). By then, I felt tired of making people around me happy, because just the opposite I did not feel happy at all. At that time, everything appeared balled up. Because of that in such case actually I hated my name.
Now, everything has changed since I realized my name is not that heavy for me. My view toward my name has become different after I contemplated it. I know my name is do’a. It does not like what I was imagine, that it is like a compulsion that I have to fulfill. It is useful for me to think that although I give happinessfor others, I must feel happy too. I become more independent at this moment because I know the giving happiness process itself is happiness for me.


Hello guys, I'm Tien Tran, a freelance web designer and Wordpress nerd. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae.


  1. yupzz of course if you would be make other people happy, you should be happy too...:)
    I am second the motion that name is do'a. do'a from our parents to their child..

  2. Wawwww... your name seem a great hope that you can be the power of happiness... :))

  3. selain itu muhammad juga berarti orang yang terpuji.. selamat ya nama & doa yang bagus.. :)
