2nd Journal of TLL:

The New Generation Has Come
Source: Picture
It was very interesting when my friends and I learned more about digital native and digital immigrant. Digital native is for people who have known about the technology since they born. It’s mean that since they born the technology development was start to exist. Meanwhile for digital immigrant is for people who don’t. So, for those whom are digital immigrants, they have just started to learn in recent years.
Nowadays, the digital technology has influenced people much includes in their style of learning. How is it different from the time before digital era? Maybe when we compare together, we can find the basic one is between conventional learning and the learning which already enhanced ICT on it. It is very important for teachers or teacher candidates know about this different. They can use this knowledge apply it in the class, for example the teacher uses a video in his/ her class to grab students’ attention.
Source: Picture
                In the second meeting of previous week, we were asked to discuss how to implement/ engage some of favorites websites based on digital native view. The websites are; google, facebook, blog, youtube, skype, and webquest. Each of that website has its strengths and weaknesses if we applied it into teaching, especially language learning.
                My friends and I in the group had discussed about how to apply the youtube for language learning class. We believed that youtube can give many advantages for us; first, it provides a lot of video sources. Second, it provides contextually learning. Contextually learning means the students can watch and analyze the movie based on the real place and time. Third, either teacher or students can upload and download the video easily. We thought that this easy of access to share can encourage the students’ motivation toward language learning.
                Somehow, google, facebook, blog, skype or webquest are also has secrets behind it which can encourage students’ inquire. For google, among or maybe all of us has known it well. The google is used to look for some data because it such likes a searching engine. In other side, facebook provides joyful learning by remembering how fenomenal facebook around us. In blog, people can share their thought completely. Skype offers their strength that is based on video practice. And the last is webquest which bring our students to explore about such topic. So, based on this explanation we can see if how influential digital development in learning and teaching.
                There was some of my friends asked about how about the negative impact of those websites. According to us (especially my idea), it’s true if there is a key that should be hold by the teacher. So, to prevent the negative impacts, the teacher should have a capability to guide and direct them based on lesson plan we made. So, the students can not move around from the objective learning itself.


Hello guys, I'm Tien Tran, a freelance web designer and Wordpress nerd. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae.


  1. some of people does not receive this real world. hehehe
    they don't want to be a digital native or digital immigrant. how about that?

  2. Well, actually it us not a must. Yet, it will be better if they know it. Eemm, you know the next generation is more sphisticated than now. So, what will you do if you do not follow the development of the world?
