1st Journal of TLL:

The Development of Technology and Its Application in Learning Process
Technology has been developed for many years, even in 3000 BC. It was started when ancient people drew signs in cave wall. After thousands year, finally we can enjoy the result of the technology development nowadays. for example of the technology development is self-phone, computer, LCD projector, etc. But, in this journal we will concern on computer apllication in language class.
Source: Picture
The usage of technology in education was started to use in 1960s. At that time people called it Behavioristic CALL -Computer Assistant Language- era. The language teaching was taught by grammar translation and audio-lingual ways. The teacher put much exposure on drills and practices to the students.  Meanwhile, the role of the computer here is very important, because it was the guide for the students when they drilled their selves frequently. By the drills, the students were expected to be able to say the vocabularies and also express the expressions correctly –time and place-.
After Behavioristic CALL end at 1970s, the new era had come. It’s called Communicative CALL. At that time, the teachers believed that the students have good cognitive capability. So, the teacher taught language by utilized it, which was by communicative learning style. The learning process used computer to motivate the students.  Here, the students did not learn the grammar explicitly, but the students were expected to learn the grammar by identifying the conversations they learned. As we can see here, the learning process was emphasized on the fluency of the students’ speaking skills. As the result, they could express some expression correctly though without knowing the grammar.
The next is Integrative CALL. It was started from 1990s until present. Here, the learning is not just live the students’ cognitive. But also, trains the students to learn wider in society. The language learning is not just for academic purpose, but it is also integrated to the other field –such as; job-. The computer has more important position in this era. So, the learning is designed more creatively, for example; utilize CD-Room, or internet-based learning. This design of learning also gives good effects for the students; the students become more independent and creative, they have many sources of learning, they can explore their language ability by practice the language directly, etc.
Nowadays, the technology has developed rapidly. It brings some advantages and the disadvantages if it is applied into language class. The advantages of technology can be analyzed briefly like; raises the students’ motivation, provides interactive learning, facilitates all of students’ needs and also brings students into global world. On the contrary, the disadvantages of technology are; it is expensive, the teachers and students must comprehend about the technology used, and the technology still needs improvements in some parts. So, although the learning become looks more joyful, fun, and meaningful, we still need teacher as real facilitator in a class.

Lai, Cheng. (2006). The advantages and disadvantages of computer technology in second language acquisition. National journal for publishing and mentoring doctoral student research, 3, 2-4.


Hello guys, I'm Tien Tran, a freelance web designer and Wordpress nerd. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae.


  1. This is just like history, I like this.
    Are there any better choice beside CALL?

  2. do you agree that technology for language learning was developed simultaneously with development of language learning method?

  3. Rida: CALL is assumed as a best tool to help learning now a days. If you ask are there any better choice, I think no if we refer to recent days development.

    syaqifa:Technology is a tool. Between those two is different part, I think.
