3rd e-reflection for PETA:

Teacher Competence: Models of Instruction
(by: M. Mufarrikhin)

Source: Picture
After I learned about ‘planning for instruction’ in 2nd meeting, I learned ‘the models of instruction’ itself yesterday. This competency is should be owned by teacher absolutely. Beside to dodge the boredom of the students because get same learning method, it also useful to match the materials and the objective trough suitable learning method.  As we know, because each content has its own objective. For example, if the teacher just use ‘direct instruction’ in his/her class for all of discussion, there will be some purpose of learning that cannot be achieved. So, the teacher must master all of the models of instruction.
There are four types of instruction. Those are ‘direct instruction’, ‘lecture-discussion’, ‘group interaction’, and ‘guided discovery’.
Direct Instruction
Based on what I’ve learned, direct instruction is used to teach the concept and procedural skills. In this model, the teacher holds the control of the class. The teacher use much of their time to give guidance, almost along the lesson hour. During that time, usually the teacher explains or gives example to make the lesson clearer. How about the students? The students’ role here is when they got a question from the teacher, or when asked to practice something.
The result of this model instruction is the students will have automacity and transfer capability. My friend in group told me that automacity is like when a student asked about something they’ll refer to that thing. Meanwhile the automacity is the capability of the students to connect their recent understanding with other context/ case.
To guess what the meaning of this model is, I guess it from the name that is lecture and discussion. So, this model is a result of combining between lecture and discussion. Different with direct instruction which guide the students tightly, lecture-discussion model gives student chance to conclude the knowledge by their understanding.
In the beginning of the class, the teacher gives a brief lecturing to the students. The explanation is just to deliver the students to actively involve in a discussion. After that, if the students have done with the discussion, the teacher gives some questions to test their comprehension (comprehension monitoring).
Group Interaction
In this kind of model instruction, the students are directed to work in a group discussion. This model believes that the students can be encouraged to explore their knowledge to his/ her friend rather than when they learn alone. Why it could be like that? Because in this model the student has chance to line of sight, he/ she will feel more save to share each other. This model also give positive impact because there will be no opportunity for such student become individual.
Guided Discovery
For me, this model is the best model of instruction if we compare with some models above. In this model, the teacher and the students cooperate to conduct active learning. The teacher has role as facilitator in class, whereas the students are given more time to construct their understanding by their selves. To help students construct a new knowledge, the teacher guides the students by questions along the learning in the class. Next, in the end of the class the teacher asks/ checks students understanding toward the lesson. This test usually integrated by teacher with a new case to provoke students’ creativity.

Those are models of instruction. Based on conclusion that my friends and I had agreed was there is no perfect model of instruction. We, as teacher should analyze the content/ material that we want to give to the students first, after that we can make a decision which is the best model for that material.


Hello guys, I'm Tien Tran, a freelance web designer and Wordpress nerd. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae.


  1. wawww,,, it is so long reflection, i have to read whole writing to give a comment,, OMG,
    yes Mas, we are in the same way of understanding,

    Keep spirit & smile, v3a

  2. You have the real writer's indie,,,
    it's proven by your long reflection, I suggest just make it shorter (if you want to).

    Over all I can follow you idea, it's great for me. :)

    I am still curious what the blog title mean is.

  3. Thank you guys for comment ..

    everything I wrote is what's on my mind,just flow.

    k.mu.a.ku: still mystery
