
Have you ever felt disappointed? I think everyone ever felt this kind of feeling. It might be caused by your mom, dad, brother, sister, friend, or maybe your 'someone'. Well, it is so humane that you feel disappointed sometime. The causes could be different between one and another. The responses also are not same. In this note, let me tell you about my common reaction while I am disappointed; silence.

In many cases, to me, silence is the best response. When I worked with a bossy and perfectionist friend, I chose to keep my mouth from saying a word. It's useless to say even a word because that kind of person had already looked me down. "You could do nothing!" that person's eyes said. Another case, I hate debating things. If you and I have problem, let's sit together and talk about it. If I did the mistake, I'll beg your forgiveness. If you don't accept your mistake, but make me the guilty person instead, I promise you'll have my silence. Make it simple. And yeah... it's true that sometimes there are people who deserve your silence rather than your words.

Silence is just like a car horn. It has many meanings. It depends on the situation; where and when. A car horn could transform as a 'Hi', a 'F*ck you', a 'Good bye' or a 'See ya'. Silence also could be a 'Yes' in a particular time, but it also could be a 'No'. Most of the time, my silence is a 'No'. Even, at the worst case, it means 'I am done'.



Hello guys, I'm Tien Tran, a freelance web designer and Wordpress nerd. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae.

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